energy therapy
Energy therapy works to harmonize the flow of vital energy that moves through you.
These gentle, non-invasive, hands-on practices are relaxing to the mind, the nervous system + the tissues of the body. This means they facilitate your body’s innate healing mechanisms and are part of the process that helps you to think, feel + be well.
Energy therapy offers wonderful support during times of great stress, grief, loss, injury and seasons of change (ex. New career, big move, end of relationship, menopause, loss, etc.)
The benefits of these natural healing arts encourage relaxation, release tension, nourish the heart, calm the mind and allow the wisdom of the body to heal as + where needed.
This gentle form of hands-on energy work promotes healing on all levels. It is like coming home to yourself, setting down the busy, heavy, painful aspects of your life and resting in the comfort of the energy that naturally flows through you. Reiki will meet you where you are at and provide you with exactly what you need, every single time.
| 60 minutes
black pearl sanctuary
Black Pearl runs deep, invites you to let go + offers support in all the right ways. This session nurtures your amygdala [the home of our fight or flight response], guiding it to return to its natural, relaxed state. Through gentle massage, pulsation, energetic holds + meridian clearing deeply seated traumas may be released, tension relieved + inner harmony illuminated.
| 90 minutes
mind, body + sole
Enjoy a Reiki infused reflexology session that starts at your feet and addresses your entire body. Experience the connection and relief of foot reflexology infused with the soothing relaxation of Reiki.
| 90 minutes

"When all your energies are brought into harmony, your body flourishes. And when your body flourishes, your soul has a soil in which it can blossom in the world. These are the ultimate reasons for energy medicine—to prepare the soil and nurture the blossom."
- Donna Eden